Ac dc t.n.t.
Ac dc t.n.t.

ac dc t.n.t.

Good luck my friend - you are in the battle for your life (you cannot overcome by yourself- but there is one who has overcome and you can choose to rest in him (Jesus)- 'Only choose this day whom you will serve, as for me and my household- we will serve the Lord.' (Paraphrased from Joshua 24:15). At this time, probation has closed, no more shall the sinner come to Christ, mercy and forgiveness of sins has passed- you will have either been sealed for God or sealed with the mark of the beast. They are the unrighteous undead - and in painful affliction they will seek to destroy the living righteous (God chosen and sealed remnant (who satan chooses to portray as violent deadly people fighting for their lives willing to commit anything to survive(wrong)). "In those days men shall seek death but not find it it". The zombies are those who having the last of the seven plagues poured out on them are afflicted with "noisome sores".

ac dc t.n.t.

Satan does this boastful arrogance in extreme to mock God, in a sense to say, "im even telling the listners what is going to be and still they choose to worship me". watch me explode Im dirty, mean and mighty unclean Im a wanted man Public enemy number one Understand So lock up your daughter Lock up your wife Lock up your back door And run for your life The man is back in town Dont you mess me round Cause Im T.N.T. Note - Satan is proud, arrogant, boastful (all the qualities opposite of Jesus) and this comes across in much music. "The man is back in town" - the bible refers to Satan as a man - see Isaiah 14:16 "Lock up your daughter, lock up your wife" - At risk of sexual assault, exploitation or temptation. Bible has many warnings about these types of things. "Women to the left of me, women to the right" - Satan ochestrating sexual perversion, trafficking, abuse of women. Satan out for "all (souls) that he can get." Im dynamite T.N.T., and Ill win the fight T.N.T., Im a power load T.N.T., watch me explode Im dirty, mean and mighty unclean Im a wanted man Public enemy number one Understand So lock up your daughter Lock up your wife Lock up your back door Run for your life The man is back in town Dont you mess me round Cause Im T.N.T.

Ac dc t.n.t.